Saturday, November 10, 2007

Church Class

I have been lazy to go to my usual church but I have nothing to complain. It has been a great pleasure to attend masses at Holy Cross. 2 weeks ago, I was lazy to attend the 10 mass (because I thought it was 930 and I woke up at 845 so not enough time to prepare) and I attended the 1130 mass. Cool, it was a confirmation mass and finally, I got the chance to see the Archbishop. He spoke with very much gusto and youthfulness, I was a bit surprised to see how old he is as he was standing outside the church after the mass ended. I think that is why he is an Archbishop. He is already old but he still delivers mass like the younger priests.

Last week I attended the service when the whole choir was children. Oh my God. I think it was very interesting. I think it was nicer, purer, and not so fanciful like the usual adults' choir. Maybe because it was the first time I heard a children choir? Perhaps... Haha.. But I applaud the choir groups there because they sing not to chase after reputation of being good choir whatsoever. The conductor leads with a happy face and the songs are always energetic to make the congregation sings with them. Cheem songs are hardly chosen. Haiz... It is a stark contrast with the choir in other church that I used to be a member. And I love the Kyrie Eleison used in this church :D

Last Friday, my RCIY was the church tour. Hoi hoi... It was a real eye opener to get to see behind the altar and stand behind the altar and see the altar from close and to touch the altar. Hehe... I was hoping to see the relic but unfortunately it was embedded in the altar material (I was expecting to see bone fragments or something... it should not be as scary as what I see and touch in anatomy lab). RCIY has been a great journey. It makes me appreciate mass more. I think people should attend this kind of enrichment so that the mass becomes more meaningful for them. Due to exam, I am skipping the sessions on sacrament of reconciliation, marriage, and holy order... Oh well...

Hmm... Class forum is up. And currently, I am still a by-stander. I shall wait until 99 people join and I shall be the 100th. I am highly doubtful about it though. Haha... It is a bit premature to say now (60+ members but only about 10+ people are actively posting) but I guess it is interesting to see how long this survives. I shall give a benefit of doubt that this is exam preparation period so people are busy. I shall wait until exam is over. A great effort and it is a bit sad if it is wasted just because some people are just too shy/lazy to post or too cannot be bothered about making as many friends as possible.

Living with Chem was over today. I shall not comment on that but lucky it was true/false thing. At least not much to write. Haha... Now my mugging shall be full force :( I am very lazy. Haiz... It is a vicious cycle: lousy performance => lazy to study => even lousier performance => even lazier to study => super lousy performance => don't want to study anymore => and it will just get worse. Sigh...

God, help me!!!

Gosh... no wonder the organ looks so familiar. It is in RISEN CHRIST (I recognise the banner WE ARE ONE... IN THE LORD is the other banner on the right side blocked by the organ) !!!! I am wondering whose hands those are. Certainly not mine. Haha...

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