Monday, November 5, 2007


My depression made me forget my 'birthday'. 28th of October should be the commemoration of my arrival here 5 years ago. It has been a long time and I am still not sure whether I made the right choice (actually my parents' choice leh.. not mine..) but it is getting closer to make me think that I made a terribly wrong decision -_-!

My physical pharmacy lab reports were like -_-! Bad as compared to the rest (remember, it's a theory of reLAtivity, not reALitivity in uni) although considering the little effort I put for the reports. I think the markers judged based on the length -_-! No fair!!!! I put little effort in writing but I put a lot (really LOT and maybe the most as compared to other people) of effort to fake results (and persuading fellow bench mates to fake too) and make my answer as concise as possible. Lol. Haiz... -_-! The ppda prac test was also out. Not too bad but add that to the CA and I am still below average -_-!

So yup, I finally make up my mind... I realise that I am too dumb to excel here. Anyway I won't be able to get C.A.P of 4.5 and get A+ for FYP. So better don't put unreasonable target and just forget 1st class honour or whatever lah... If only I don't have 'free money' or any pride (arrogance, envy, kiasuness or whatever it is) I would already lead a very happy life from today onwards. Haiz... My parents' fault again... Why give my name which inherently a kiasu attitude... Should name me something along the line of cute -_-!

I am failed as a pharmacist!!! Yesterday I got my first 'patient'. She asked me the name of medication for worm.. Lol. I could not give the answer but I gave advice on how to get it from Guardian without embarrassing herself. Haha... I am also overdosing myself with strepsils since yesterday and until now, my sore throat is still there. In fact, my condition worsens as now I am having cough and sneezing as well. Lucky I nvr die because of overdoses -_-!

I decided to blog again because anyway I am too lazy to study -_-!

Ok... I shall go to bed. How many -_-! I put in today's entry? ELEVEN!!!! (Including the title). I am really really feeling -_-!

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