Saturday, October 20, 2007


This week is rather slack and I felt that I had so many fridays. Tuesday felt like a friday, thursday felt like a friday, and the friday is obviously a friday. Lol... Maybe friday means a good day for me.

No more lab on tuesdays so that means I only have 2 hours of Living with Chem on tuesday. Last tuesday was rather slack because the lecture ended early. And it was rather a happy day because someone made sushi. Hohoho... The moment I opened the lid of the food container... Yummy Yummy!!!... It smelled good :) Unfortunately the tuna was already warm, so it was not very nice. See lah... should have put japanese yellow pickles instead. But it was still good. Lol.

Thursday was another joyous occasion. It was Bunny's birthday and we celebrated it together with Bernice's (which was on the 1st October a.k.a PPDA CA). My faith in Bread Talk cake was revived. Last time I bought the vanilla cake dunno what and bleaaah it tasted horrible. But that chocolate cake was damn good! It was very chocolaty... I ate 1/8 of the cake and now I wonder how many calories I added on that day. Lol. But it is okay. I walked a lot on Thursday. After school I walked from central back to pgp and at night... when I returned home, the back gate was already closed. Holy cow! I had to walk back a long way via KR and all... I was a bit scared but I reached back safely and soundly. I was surprised that at 1+ there were 2 girls who were running and KR was still buzzing with life. Haha.. Although it was very tiring, the results of my 'exercises' on Thursday paid off. Today I am 58.5 kg. Then complacency kicked in and I cancelled my exercise this morning... Haiz...

Thursday is a very important day for me! It marks the very first time I ponned lecture in university. Oops... not exactly true because I got pon Living with Chem a lot but I guess I don't count it as a subject. Haha..

My mouth is still very painful. I cannot enjoy my food and I cannot eat fast. Hopefully it helps me to lose weight. Otherwise I am suffering for nothing.

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