Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Anatomy !!!!

Uuuh... Mugging mode is on again. Today I spent 3 hours to re-mug cells and tissues. What the... To see it positively, I should be grateful because last week I took 3 days to finish that. Haiseh... I wanted to finish up to CVS before going online but I am feeling to tired right now (TIRED! not LAZY!) so I shall check my e-mail now and go sleep early tonight. Then can continue again tomorrow.

This is pretty funny. I think my neighbours from the opposite block would be amused (or disgusted?) upon seeing me touching my chests as I was trying to see which direction the fissures on the lungs and the lobes. After that they pulled down their window blinds. Lol. Not my fault. I never ask them to look into my room. Haha...

Hmm... I am very tired so I shall go sleep soon. Luckily the weather has been pretty cool for the past 2 days. No more wet nights :)


  1. if it is right then it is not exciting mah... lol. initially i wanted to write wet sleep :p which means i woke up in the middle of the night because i felt so sweaty

  2. Haha that happened to me on Sunday nite/Monday morning. I dunno whether it's the sweatiness or the anxiety of the PPDA test that made me woke up like 3 times from 4-630am

    But ur wet sleep kinda makes pple think of wet dream which is like totally not what you're trying to say. ahha

  3. that was anxiety.. you slept in air-conned room rite?

    and i always have problems regarding 'wet' things. when i played in ECP, i said 'darn i wet my pants'. my friend told me that wetting pants means peeing on the pants. lol

  4. huh so you did wet ur pants ah lol
    No I didn't turn on the aircon that nite... lol.
