Sunday, September 9, 2007


Hohoho.... So yes... This is the PoT cap that I bought on Friday. It looks very nice in the picture ne? But the actual one does not look very nice. It looks very white though. But I only bought it for a souvenir. I don't think I will wear it. Firstly is because I look ugly wearing a cap. Secondly is because it is very white in colour. I don't want to dirty it. Hohoho....

I think I have eaten subway too much until even in my sleep I was dreaming about eating subway. Hahaha... Maybe it was because I was too tired after attending a quite useless meeting (I shall not say what when where with who but it lasted for 5 hours). And my work is piling up. The rate I am clearing it is like 1/10 of the rate the new pile is coming. Sigh... And this friday there will be some physio test. That means must mug for it. And I have not even continued my last week lab work. Doom is impending.

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