Friday, September 28, 2007

Holiday is over!

Finally, the mid-sem break is over. Only a weekend is left for me to clear everything and build up my confidence of next week. Honestly, I am very discouraged and not confident at all. It will be the first test in uni. Will I make it for uni standard? Haiz... The answer will be revealed in one to three weeks time.

I have been very lazy... I did not study much. I guess I have disappointed many people, including to those people who has thought of me as their role model, as a very good and hardworking student. In the end I succumb to the evil called internet. I hope whatever my CA results are, it wlll be a wake up call for me to start studying properly... Please... I am awake already so I don't need like EEE to wake me u even more... (Oh no.. tissue... tissue... where is my tissue...).

Yesterday I took a break to have fun at Orchard. Unfortunately it was a big disappointment. There was no exciting exhibition at both taka B2 and B1 talking hall. I went to HMV and I guess $30 for a movie was too much. So because I could not shop anything, I did not feel that my depression was alleviated. So I just read some books in the library (that was the first time I know a complete story of Snow White and that actually Disney made a cross-over story between 7 Dwarfs and Dumb). I managed to get 2 Baby Blues books and I read Full Metal Alchemist 4 and 5. Sigh... I cried when General Hughes was killed. T_T.

Ah ya, yesterday I ate with a friend at Yoshinoya. Then we talked up to 1020 and the doors at Takashimaya were already locked. Woah... was pretty startled to look for which door was not locked yet. But it was a good and funny experience. In addition, we crossed the Taka-Paragon junction, and according my friend, it was a special time (1030) because once every 30 minutes, all the red light will be on and the pedestrians can cross the junction diagonally. Hohoho... pretty cool to me (I think I have been a bit crazy and insane to find this kind of trivial thing COOL!)

For the first time ever, I did not go online yesterday and I slept at 1. Haha... But interestingly, on the day, I felt more tired than at those days when I slept at 3 or 4. Very weird but I guess it's better to get my body to normal school time already. And today I received 35 new e-mails. What the freak... If I check everyday, I get around 5 new ones... But on the day I never checked, I got so many spam mails.

I went for a ridiculously short hair cut yesterday. And as I was admiring my new hair last night, I realised that my face is deformed! Haiz... my mouth is not at the center of the face, my right cheek bone is more protruding than the left, my right cheek is fatter, and my ears are not in 1 straight line. The possibility for a plastic surgery is greater for me. Haha...

I am getting very sick of all the laundry business. I think I wasted about 6 hours each week for the whole ironing chore. It is very ironic that others spend their free time to go meet friends, go Orchard, give tuitions, teach piano, and any other better reasons than laundrying. But it saddens me most when I hear that people spend their free time to mug. I want to mug also... But hey..let's be positive, I think 'doing laundry' still sounds better than 'joining hall activities'. Haha...

Ah ya, 6 hours is only for the massive amount of laundry. There is still the little laundry which is the underwear. Though I have a lot of sets, I only wear 3. Thus I must wash and iron for every alternating days. Add all the minutes spent to hand wash and iron these, it will be another 3 hours per week. NOOOO!! Everytime I think of this, I feel like just wearing disposable ones. But the memories of OBS return (the disposable ones look like girls' panties and when I wore those, I felt as if I was wearing nothing). So maybe wearing nothing is a viable option. And I have come to realise that I need to buy clothes with the 'crumpled wrinkled' design. Then I don't need to spend so much time to iron them because they look a bit crumpled and wrinkled anyway.

Because I am in a very bad mood today, I shall put ugly meaning of some words of wisdom :p

1) The wise says: Optimists say the glass is half-full; Pesimists say the glass is half-empty. I say: it depends on what is inside the glass. If it is wine, the glass is half-full (1/2 glass of wine is a bit too much). If it is coke, the glass is half-empty (I want more!).

2) The wise says: Life is like a roller-coaster. Sometimes you are at top, sometimes you are at the bottom. I say: But how come there are more times I am at the bottom than I am at top? In roller-coaster more time is spent up there!

3) The wise says: No pain no gain. I say: Who the hell want to lose something in order to get something? I want to gain things with no pain!

I shall find more :)

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