Saturday, August 18, 2007

Pendulum mood is swinging again. Thank goodness it is swinging to the better condition. After my deepest depression on Thursday, I started to feel better on Friday and today. Haiz... I can't believe myself that I already start mugging after first week of school. But how? No choice! I can't follow the lessons so far and there is so much to work on. I guess tomorrow and Monday I will feel blue again as I won't be able to memorise PPDA lecture 2 and will be lost in space for PPDA lecture 3. Huh...just the thought of it already makes my head heavy now. Plus, there is some talk on Monday. I don't mind about the talk but I mind A LOT about the attire: blue shirt plus tie! WTH! I have 8 hours of lecture on Monday. Sigh....

Just finished my RCIY outing. I had a good time. Hurray!!! Everything was free. Lol. The fish and chips was good. The batter was good that I did not taste any fishy taste (beats Long John's Silver) and the vinegar was very funny. It has the worst smell of any vinegar I ever encountered but it is the least sour. Weird huh?? Then come the salsa dance. I was kind of expecting either a karaoke or a dance as the surprise. Lucky that it was not the former. I am so bad in singing lah. Haha... And thanks to Ee Jin who drove me back to PGP. Lazy me...

Hmm... I must sleep now. Must go to church tomorrow. And I may have to dig my luggage to find my very dark blue shirt. Sigh...if I don't find it, tomorrow will be a horrendous day as I have to travel to the nearest carrefour to buy some cheapo blue shirt. I hope I still have my blue shirt.

And I must not forget checking my Gundam Wing CD. Dammit! The first episode is not working. How to watch loh!!!!

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