Friday, August 24, 2007


Wow.... Today marked the first day that I ponned lecture since university began. Haha... I am turning to a bad boy. I think my first ponning in JC was like late in the first year (or was it even in the second year when I was called by the teacher during the lecture I skipped?). But never mind. I missed only a talk. Although the topic is interesting, I still prefer slacking. Haha...

My life lately has been eventless so there is nothing much to write. But I prefer it to be eventless than full of bad things. Haha... This morning I pulled the string of my window shades too 'hatefully' and thus it snapped. Bloody hell. The maintenance (hey... I finally learnt how to spell this from PPDA lecture yesterday) guy said that it would only be fixed on Monday. I hope it will. Darn... I will spend my weekend gloomily with no afternoon nap.

Finally I have felt the pressure of school. Lab is starting and tutorial already started. I mugged nervous this morning and thank goodness the mcq test was cancelled. It was more like a Q&A session and lucky me that I was not called to answer (better not to make myself too prominent... not prominent already got so many gossips around... haiz...). I hope that I will not fall into depression again and everything will be alright. Though 1 thing for sure, I have ditch my computer no matter what. Otherwise, I won't have enough time to study and do tutorials.

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