Friday, June 15, 2007

Relax... Relax...

Fiuh...finally my slack time is bad. Though I do not hate accompanying my aunt and cousins shopping all over the island, I still prefer slacking. Haha... Everything that is too much is not very good. Well, my dad will be here on Thursday and I will be flying back on Sunday. So next week will be a pretty busy one.

I was paying my sleep debt that I did not have the interest in watching Fantastic Four yesterday, at its premiere. I will watch on Monday. My plan to go Novena Church today was also called off because I felt too lazy. I'll just dump and do everything on Monday. This is because I have to go to MOM to register for Labour Court whatsoever. I do not understand why it is so troublesome. Haiz... I am very lazy to settle this thing if must go court blah blah blah... I wonder why my life so sucks... I always meet people who suck... Suck suck suck...

I cannot wait to go home. There are so many animes I want to watch: Prince of Tennis, WeiB Kreuz, and the anime I want to copy from Danny (Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed Destiny, Spiral, and Ranma). I guess I will neglect my PS this time around. Hehe... I am already very bored here. I have ended Lunar Legends and I am sick of Dynasty Warrior (I completed the game 4 times). I guess I won't find another game to play. I have to take a good care of my eyes. My target will be finishing my Final Fantasy XII before Thursday. Whew... although it is a disappointment that I spent $20 for a pirated DVD sold here and that it is not a movie, but rather the collection of FMV from the game, I am still impressed that I can still follow the story. I don't think I can follow the story of Final Fantasy VIII by watching the FMV collection only. Cool game!!! It makes me want to buy PS2 (or PS3) to play the game.

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