Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A very short holiday

I only have the time to play PSX and this time around I only played these 2 games: Final Fantasy VIII and Yu-Gi-Oh (I can’t recall the title). The Yu-Gi-Oh game sucks. It is not exactly like in the anime and thus I don’t know how to play the game. In the anime, it is replacing a low level monster with a higher level one but here, I have to fuse the cards. No aid is given from the game about the fusion and when I checked gamefaqs for the fusion rules, I just gave up! There is no way I can remember (or print) a very long list of what types of card to fuse with what types. No no no…. It’s a game worth throwing away.

Final Fantasy VIII rocks (It has always been and will always be the best game for me!!!) and I had a great time playing it. I managed to play without gameshark this time. Hohoho..what an achievement to get all the cards and get Squall, Rinoa, and Zell to level 100. Siren also reached level 100 and I collected 100 Curse Spikes to make Dark Matter. Phew…. Not an easy task. I always think that this game can be completed in less than 40 hours (actually if all the side quests are skipped, 20 hours should be sufficient) but I am hitting the 60th hours and I am still at the front of Ultimecia’s Castle. I still need to increase the levels of Irvine, Selphie, and Quistis. Wow…. And I shall remember next time when I play it again that I still haven’t found the energy crystals for Quistis’ and Rinoa’s weapons. Great game!!! Great game!!!

Talking about game, I am still very much shocked about the fact that there are 2 Prince of Tennis games for PSOne. Haiz…haiz…. I just knew it from the SMASH! Animation book. I wish I knew it long long time ago. Then I might be able to get it. I don’t mind even though they are in Japanese because they are sports games anyway. And I have several games in Japanese which I bought for the sake of collection (Suikogaiden 1 & 2, Inu Yasha, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Rurouni Kenshin, and the only one that I played wholeheartedly to collect the clips: Harlem Beat).

Next up, animes!!! Out of the 12 Saint Seiya Dvds, 2 are spoilt. I hate that!!!! I don’t know when (and even if it is possible) to exchange it. Wasted siah…. At least about 3-4 episodes cannot be watched in those 2 dvds. Scram!!! Prince of Tennis: The National Championship is okay and tomorrow I will start watching it. It is gonna be cool, I think. I will watch it after Death Note: The Last Name (with the very screwed subtitle). I wanted to watch that tonight but there was something wrong with the sound system. I will wait until tomorrow and plug the cables so that the audio is from the tv, not from the damned machine.

I am done with Gundam SEED mangas. I have to admit that Gundam mangas are not as exciting as the anime. Firstly is because the drawing is weirder than the anime (Gundam SEED drawing for the characters is worse than Gundam Wing) and secondly is because the story goes so fast that I cannot remember the character names (which are not easy to pronounce) and understand what is going on. The anime is better but longer. That is the sucks part. Oh ya…after reading the no 1 (USA version) and the rest (Indo version), now I can understand why some hardcore Japanese manga/anime fans hate USA version so much. They anyhow change the names (Ssigh is changed to Sai and worse: Raw Le Kleuze to be Rau Le Crusete). Uuh…it is just plain irritating.

Ayumi Hamasaki’s A Best: White and A Best: Black are not as good the very first A Best. The Black is better than the White (which only has about 4 or 5 good songs) but still not as good as the very first A Black. I think she is too kiasu for releasing two best albums at the same time. Should condense them to one album and just pick the very good ones leh….

I must go back to Singapore in two days time. I am so sad. Hiks…hiks… But anyway I still need to settle some matters pertaining to my university so there’s no way I can stay here forever. Haha… Thank goodness that my dad repaired the organ last weekend so in the remaining days I shall practice all my best. After that, here are the boring parts: packing luggage, wrapping my toys display cabinet, and putting mothballs to my comics cupboard.

Okay…now I am gonna search for Final Fantasy VIII midis for my handphone. Hehehe…

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