Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Prince Returns

I hate packing!!!! Grrr… Especially to pack for returning to Singapore. Ah… I am so lazy… And I forget to make copies for passport for fiscal arrangement tomorrow. I don’t know lah. I am really not in the mood (it always happens everytime I have to return to the hellish island).

I am listening to V6 album while typing this. The “Infinity” album is definitely better than the “SeVen”. But generally the songs are nice. I searched for another album yesterday but could not find any. It would be easier to buy in Singapore but that would be in CD form. I prefer cassette. Phoo…. I could not find Takki & Tsubasa’s newest album (2 You 4 You) and I wonder why because the first 2 albums were released here in Indo. Maybe next time…

I transferred the midis to my handphone already, with additional some mp3s. Now only 39 MB of free space is available in my phone and I think my phone has lagged slightly. But never mind about that.

I just went to see a carnival in front of Mal Kelapa Gading. Unfortunately, it was disrupted by rain. The rain was quite heavy and even the performers were running away to the nearest sheltered areas. Haha… The only thing I saw (funnily, the parade was not moving when I was there) was Japanese cosplay. I could only recognise Inu Yasha and Kagome, though the cosplayers were gross. The Kagome was wearing spectacles (dotz…) and she was very very ugly. The Inu Yasha was helped by the good costume (including the hair and the doggy ears) thus he did not look that ugly. I could not see the tessaiga anyway.

I guess that’s all I have today. So sian… So boring… So sucky…. Now comes the most boring thing to do (and the saddest): to wrap my toys cabinet. Hu hu hu….

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