Monday, May 21, 2007


Whew... I think I have been rejected from medicine and now my future is still undecided. My application is still processing and processing which means I am being kicked here and there and here and there until someone accepts me. Oh no... Poor me...

Well, now I am going purposeless in Orchard Road. Hahaha... It's good if everyday Orchard Road is as quiet as Monday morning. Then people can enjoy the shopping experience more. Honestly, I am envious to the shopkeepers.. Ah.. I wish I can work at a shopping centre again. Though this time I want it to be slack (like 3 days a week only) and I want to be paid promptly. Well well well... I'll check out kinokuniya later to look for something that I can buy (actually I have nothing on my mind but since it is discount...he he he.. shall get something to buy).

I went to the net and oh no... I found out that there are so many Gundam Wing books I missed out (well the anime was in the year 1995..... I don't think I knew Gundam at that time): The New Mobile History Gundam Wing Perfect Album, The New Mobile History Gundam Wing Postcard, and Model. I put the pictures respectively...

I am also interested in learning Chinese and Japanese while I have so much free time... But more often... I want it today and in the end, I don't wanna do it tomorrow. Just like when yesterday I felt like watching Spiderman 3 today but today I feel so lazy to do so. Aiyah... I shall concentrate on my organ for church first. There has been improvement... I shall see in this week how much I can improve and to decide whether I should quit or not.

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