Sunday, March 18, 2007


It has been a disastrous week for me. On top of not getting the job I was applying last week, I got fired from the only tuition I had. The first session went totally okay and I had no expectation that I would be fired, especially since the parent was like 'begging' me on the phone not to quit and dump this kid. In the end, the reverse occured. What is more irritating is that I was informed about the dismissal by the agency, not the parent. Shame on him lah. I don't know how much I would get paid for that one session but I hope it will be half of a month pay (which has to be shared with the agency...) because if I were the one quitting the job, I have to pay half of a month pay. I wish the same rule applies if I am the one getting fired.

Partly because of this (and the fact that in total I had called 28 agencies), I will stop calling tuition agencies! I will try to get an office job or a job as a tutor at a tuition centre (so I will be employed by the centre, not by parents). I saw one ad in yesterday's newspaper and currently I am chonging to get my resume done. It is so jialat because the library computer does not allow me to use ms word or to transfer photo into the computer. I have to ask my family in Indonesia to do this for me. Haiz...hopefully this hardwork pays off and I can get the job at the tuition centre although the working time is pretty bad... 9-6 in the weekends... I wonder when I can go to church.

Talking about church, I experienced the first (and I hope it was the ONLY) time of kneeling at the floor. was so uncomfortable. I always thought kneeling on the floor was alright but actually it sucks. So next week, and next next week, and next next...week, I will find a seat which will guarantee that I won't be kneeling on the floor.

But hey...not all things were bad this week. I bought a handphone sticker of Fuji Syusuke. Actually I am looking for Kikumaru but I don't think there was or there would be any. I think Fuji is a better choice then Ryoma or Tezuka (act cool guys with unfriendly and smileless face :p). By getting the sticker, it also means that I have found the 'casing' (actually it is not really the casing but whatever you call the thing is, it is the case to protect the screen) for my K800i. Yesterday, I went to M1 shop and got my internet settings done. Woohoo...although using internet from handphone is definitely more expensive than from the library (which is already quite expensive). It is 10cents/10kb. So let's say if I want to download an mp3, it will be roughly about $50. Crazy... I tried to download a new theme but I picked the wrong one. I chose "Pool" because I was thinking it would be a "swimming pool" not a "pool table". Waste my $2.50 lah.

I just realised that my History O-level grade was A2 not a B3. That means I always remember it wrongly. Hmm...not an A1 so it is the same to me:disappointing.

Yesterday I watched Gundam Seed Destiny at Kids Central. Wow...not bad...2 episodes every Saturday. Now I have something on to do on Saturday afternoons. Interestingly, though they played 2 episodes in an hour slot, they played the ending and opening song twice. Furthermore, the english dubbing and the subtitle were not exactly identical. Though I think it is a pretty good series, I still prefer Gundam Wing. There are too many characters (I can't remember the names) and some characters die (I hate this kind of stories) but perhaps after watching another few episodes, I will like the series... Who knows...

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