Sunday, February 25, 2007

O Happy Day :)

Yesterday was a very great day!!! I almost got everything I wanted to do and look for that day. In the morning, I went to KTC. Although I could not find Lynette’s bag (the shop assistant said the shop did not sell GUESS bags), I managed to exhange my dvd. I managed to exchange Dear Boys and hopefully this one will be fine. No FF XII anymore so I could not exchange that. While the other Shulato dvds I found were just unconvincing as mine. I don’t know how about that. I only bought Samurai Deeper Kyo. Hopefully the dvds will be okay and the story itself will be good because it seems to be different from the manga. There was Prince of Tennis The National Championship but I am not sure whether it is in the 178 episodes anime series or it is a new anime series. Anyway, the dvd only has 3 episodes so I thought it was not worth it to buy.

My sister finally found X no 1 and 2 at Bandung. Hurray!!! My collection will not have any missing volume.

Then I manage to buy a new phone. It’s sony ericsson K800i. A very good handphone though I still haven’t seen and messed with all the features. I will surely take a good care of this phone. My mom always teased my old Nokia 3350 as a brick and haha… this new phone is just as thick as Nokia 3550 but is wider. Thus, it is a bigger ‘brick’. Haha… It has a tennis game inside which is quite difficult to play but the ringtones inside are not nice. I must download a few midis from the net. I think I will look for Dance of the Balamb Fish for phone ringtone and Final Fantasy winning theme as the sms tone.

I bought Squall Leonheart figurine!!! Yeah!!! I think last time I saw the price wrongly. I scrutinized every pack yesterday and actually the price for every character differs! Since only 1 Squall left, without much thinking anymore, I just grab it. Rp 410000 but it is still cheaper than at other places. I change my mind and won’t be buying Rinoa because it is the most expensive at about Rp 500000 but yet, she has the least accessories and the most normal looking clothes (aka. the least exciting and interesting). The next one that I will buy is Tidus J I guess there won’t be any Quistis because from the back side of the packaging, I learnt that from each series, there are only 3 characters. Thus Selphie has taken my Quistis place L. I love the figurine (it’s heavy) because it looks alive and it is big (it is even taller than my 1/100 gundam robots). Hohoho… I must move a few furniture in my room so that I am able to use my new camera phone to take picture of my toys display cupboard. Hohoho…

My food list has become shorter! After Pizza Hut craving was fulfilled on Friday, yesterday was Hoka Hoka Bento and the new Golden Century La Mien stall. The la mien was a disappointment. It did not meet my expectation. Perhaps my expectation was too high (well, I thought it would be like CRYSTAL JADE’s hahaha…. Hallo…the price of Crystal Jade’s noodles is 2X lor).

Haiz…I am running short of time. Only one week left here and it seems that I have so many things to do. Haha.. I guess I will keep my animes for the next holiday and no more reading comics. I MUST start on my personal statement and I really HOPE it won’t be a waste of time (which means I can get 4As, 2 S papers Distinctions, at least B3 for GP, and can get into medicine).

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