Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Final Fantasy!!!!

Haha… I am writing about Final Fantasy because I was just tempted to buy a Final Fantasy magazine this morning. Actually the magazine has been around since a month ago and initially I was not interested at all. But today when I went to TGA, there was one ‘sample’ magazine and after I flipped through the content… aha…!!! So I bought it (the tendency of consumerism may also be due to the fattening of pockets from all the hongpaus…hehe…). There are so many nice pictures inside and the real ‘puller’ is the photos of FF merchandises (aka the figurines). I have not bought the real figurines so now just enjoy the pictures of them first. Lol. But hey…not bad… I got the information that last July there was a Final Fantasy concert in Indo. Wow…. I never knew that.

So this magazine has really re-awakened the fantasy spirit within me. I watched the vcd containing all the FMVs from Final Fantasy VIII and ah….the spirit has been really awakened which makes me writing about this. Hohoho…. I guess I will write about what I think about the Final Fantasy series so far.

FF I and II were released at the last days of Playstation as Final Fantasy Origins. I still have no time to play them because the release was too close with the time I had to go to Singapore. Moreover, I read game magazines that the games are very difficult. That really turned me off. Haha… Lastly, as the games were released initially for Super Nintendo (or even Nintendo???) the graphic is ew…. Sorry but no matter what the treat for the eyes is the most important factor for me before buying or playing any game.

FF III has never been released in Playstation so I really have NO idea about this game at all. Nor its character. In the magazine I bought, I just learnt that the main hero of FF III is called Luneth. A pretty weird and unusual name, I think.

FF IV and FF Anthology (FF V and VI) were released way long before FF Origins so I played them all. Though the graphic is still pathetic, I still played them because I had so much free time then. Since it was about 5 years back, I almost remember nothing about the game (which means the games are not so interesting to me, perhaps it is because of the graphic again). I recall that there is one chest I have not opened in the last dungeon of FF IV because after opening the chest, I have to fight a White Dragon (if I remember correctly) and I was not able to defeat it. For FF V, I named the main character Gary. Gosh…it makes me want to repeat the game again. I named it that way because I don’t know the official name (usually the computer will ask us to rename not to give a name). Now I know his name should be Butz (another weird name). FF VI is quite a long game with so many characters and I remember vanish+x zone combination to annihilate any enemy which comes along. This combi is like a cheat for an easy win. And yup there is Shadow’s subquest which is quite troublesome to play (and unfortunately I can’t remember any single thing about it now).

FF VII is my most hated Final Fantasy game!!!! While the graphic is much better than the previous FFs, I find it weird. For example: the arm looks like two buns joined by a thin stick. Ew… It is weird!!! I also find that the text is small so I hate this game. It is so time-wasting too to gain experience of the Materias. To illustrated how gross the process is: to increase a level, a few THOUSAND ability points (AP) are needed; however, from a battle, the amount of AP obtained is about <20.>

FF VIII is the best FF (to me)!!! I don’t know why so many people hate it with so many bullshit reasons of theirs. Hahaha… I love it because the characters are drawn with normal human height (not chibi-SD style) and the characters’ designs are so eye-catching. Quistis is the best and Rinoa looks like a Chinese (what a revolution to find an asian face in a game)!!!! The game does not really need collecting money or gaining level and thus I can understand the storyline better. The extra card game is really fun!!! Until now I still cannot complete all the cards without gameshark. Hahaha… The FMVs are marvelous so the gaming experience is really worthwhile. Thus it becomes my favourite FF and the only one that I am obsessed to get the figurines. It also became the first game with soundtrack (Eyes on Me by Faye Wong) and talking about soundtrack that reminds me to search for my lost Dance of the Balamb Fish song and a very memorable Waltz tune. One thing I hate from this game is the opening FMVs which took about 5 minutes.

FF IX is back to chibi-SD mode. I don’t like it because the characters are UGLY. No no no no…. There are so many things in the game which make me hate the game overall. Firstly, the characters are not eye-catching thus no matter how many FMVs given , it is not so exciting to watch. The only normal humans are Eiko, Garnet, and Zidane. The rest are just plain weird. Steiner’s eyes are like gonna pop out, the others have no visible eyes I can see (maybe I am blind -_-). Secondly, the mini games are so difficult, boring, and pointless (such as collecting figurines which you can’t see, collecting COFFEE beans, mognet) and the card game is so disappointing (only can collect 1 card for each type), difficult to understand the rules and the drawing in the cards (the monsters, swords, airships, etc) does not make you tempted to collect all. Thirdly, I got lost in disc 1 Gimazuluke Grotto to find small black chocobo footsteps in the midst of foggy forest and since it is at the beginning of the game, it already gives a bad feeling towards the game! Lastly, an FMV stuck (mine was when Dagger cut her hair->end of disc 2). The first time it happened, it really shocked me because it meant I could not change the disc and continue the game. I re-tried and when it hang over there I pressed any button I could press on the joystick and luckily it went on. A friend of mine got a stuck FMV at disc 4 (Iifa Tree) and he could not complete the game. If that happened to me, perhaps I would have smashed the Playstation to the floor and break half the CD).

The next FFs are in the next Playstation which I don’t own. So it is so sad that I am unable to play FF X which I think is very similar to FF VIII (my favourite!!) in the character design. Though Tidus is better than Squall, I still prefer Quistis and Rinoa to Yuna and Lulu. But Rikku is cute (she is similar to Quistis) Hehehe…. This is the first FF which have a sequel i.e the bimbotic FF X-2 which does not really attract me because I don’t think I am prepared to play a game in which the main hero is a SHE!!!

FF XI seems to be lost in the midst of obscurity (I never heard of it, I don’t know who are the characters, though I have seen a few screencaps). I don’t know what happens with it.

FF XII is another good FF!!! Hahaha… I just love the characters (and got the bunny girl but the pictures are still rare).

There will be FF XIII in PS3 but until now, the game is still being worked out. I read from the magazine that so far only 20% (or 2%... there are 2 pages of info with differing statistic) of the game is done. Thus, no pictures yet!

Seeing the trend, the character designs are moving away from chibi style. So those who love FF VII and IX so much can go to hell. They hate FF VIII because it has better characters and only follow the crowd. My dislike towards FF VII has been lessened by the film FF VII: Advent Children in which the characters are in human size, not chibi style. Ha! Go eat back your words FF VII lovers. This film is indeed much much…..better than the stupid FF Spirits Within movie…. Though I still prefer a film on FF VIII J and I still want to see a good summon such as Shiva or Ifrit or Ramuh, not the weird Bahamut at the Advent Children. But really…it is a good film!

There is Final Fantasy Tactics which I think is another sucky game. It is a very difficult strategy games and it has no nice FMVs as a trophy of overcoming all the hard battles. And from the ending, it seems that the main hero is Delita while throughout the game, I am controlling Ramza. I am confused.

I guess that is all I know about FF right now. But I think there is a trend that the even-numbered FF series are better than the odd ones. I wonder why..

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