Friday, January 19, 2007


I listened to a radio talk show this morning about the benefits of tea. I’m amazed with what tea can do for the body. I have always thought that tea only makes one go to toilet more frequently. Well tea does that but it has many more advantages such as can reduce the chance of getting Parkinson’s disease (i.e. is good for your nerve system), cancer, as well as to help your bowels if you get diarrhea. Haha…apple also has this weird effect. If you are healthy, it helps you to go to toilet but if you have diarrhea it helps you at least so that you can go to the doctor without soiling your pants. Lol. I shall start drinking tea everyday though I must remember not to drink it with an empty stomach as the caffeine stimulates stomach acid production. In addition, caffeine may hinder the absorption of iron from your meal so it is advisable not to drink tea with your meal. However, as long as your tea is not concentrated it is alright. Wow… what an enriching talk.

I can feel my mind and brain is numbing!!! It’s so difficult to remember Japanese and Chinese words. I am learning a bit by a bit from watching anime and Chinese shows respectively. I am still confused between ‘tadaima’ and ‘itadaikimasu’. One is for “I’m home” and the other is for “I’m eating”. Don’t know which one is which. If my guess above is correct anyway. Haha.. I also know that there is a YOU in Chinese for male and female separately. I learn that ‘ai’ is so similar to ‘yau’ and also ‘friend’ in Chinese. Haha.. Soon I can write best friend already. So far I only know hao peng you hao peng you. Ah…no wonder Chinese are so smart, even to speak and write their brain must work so hard. Even harder than memorizing bio stuff!!!!

Freak!!! Because of the dust, my air con is blowing air with foul smell. I was so angry that my mom said that she could not smell anything and insisted on the newly painted door for the foul smell. My day was worse!! I GOT SCOLDING and as if the air con becomes like that because I want it (or as if I’m the one wanting the doors to be painted). For tomorrow, he wants something to be done to my windows. I am running out of anger already >.<

Finally, I got Magic Kaito 1. Hahaha…after waiting for about a month. Oh yeah. Lucky!!! I also bought Black Cat 9 and Banana Fish 13. The good thing about being in Singapore and coming back once every half a year is that the titles I read is in sequence. Unlike now, I read one a month (because the new volume is out one for each month). But both ways make me cannot remember the stories or the names from the different titles well. So sad liao. I don’t know studying in Singapore has done bad to my brains. While I may be better in thinking, I am sucker in memorizing. No wonder how I hate arts subjects and bio!!! I hate memorizing and ironically when I was studying in Indonesia, I had to remember every single thing in the notes and textbooks. To illustrate how gross it was, let me give you examples. I was expected to remember Latin names of plants and animals mentioned in the book, learning the biological systems (digestive tract, respiratory tract, etc) for all 5 kingdoms of animalia and that includes memorizing the drawings and able to reproduce the drawings as well as recalling the names of the organs, to remember every single formula for maths and physics. Haha…life is simpler in Singapore but is more stressful because even though you memorize the whole damn notes, you still may do badly in exam if your thinking and creativity to crap is bad. Lol.

Another week passed and that means it is a week closer to A level results release, go to university, and the end of my very first great REAL holiday in the last FOUR years.

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