Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The First in 2007

Okay...although I have nothing much in my mind to write right now, I insist on writing because it will be weeks until the next time I can do this. I can't imagine how much my dad must pay for December's internet use but I think it will beyond imagination and like it or not, I'm gonna get screwed and banned from going online.

In this the new year, the things which are on my mind are only jobs, place to stay in Spore, finding a job there, getting a place to live there, ..... And last but not least MY A LEVEL RESULTS because my future (university) depends on that. Until now I'm still clueless about the course I'm going to and 8 weeks is not a short period of time.

Fiuh...finally, last night I managed to get rid of all my boxes and put all the stuff into my cupboard. It brought back the memory. Oh gosh... WeiB Kreuz and Virtua Fighter VCDs, PlayStation CDs, and many other things. Haha... I wish I can turn back time.

I also found PC games which unfortunately cannot be played. I don't know the snes emulator doesn't work and the weird game in Chinese (darn...tricked me by putting English descriptions behind) cannot be opened. The only one that works is Beauty and the Beast. Alamaak...it's not bad but one time you play it and you master the game already. I'm gonna give it to my niece.

Please pray that I can get a job soon :)

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