Sunday, December 10, 2006

Crazy Weekend

I had a bad weekend. Too many bad things happening to me this weekend until I don’t know which one to write first here.

1) I bought a DOUBLE comic book!!!!
Darn…I swear that this is the first and will be the last time it happened to me. Previously, buying double comic book is my sisters and mom’s business. A record was a TRIPLE Fushigi Yuugi #18. I won’t forget Prince of Tennis #17. Grr… Talking about Prince of Tennis, I just watched the movie and it was lame I think… The matches are more like a Dragonball battles with kamehameha and that sort of things. The players could hit the ball until tsunami appears or a typhoon is generated. Haiz…haiz… Nonetheless, I still like it!!!

2) There isn’t any single WORKING BATTERIES at homeMy aircon remote control was dead last night. So it was switched on for 15 hours until this morning when I “borrow” the batteries from the other room aircon remote. Actually last night I already robbed the batteries from the other remote but they did not work. It was bloody cold last night and my bones were aching… Now there is still any batteries so I’ve been in spa since this morning

3) I followed my sis’ recommendation of a CHEAPO power glue
I made Saint Seiya models (stupid Bandai made these models horribly unsuitable for sale, no wonder they slashed the price down from $16 to $3) which need power glue to stick the parts together (thank God Gundam robots are not like this). The stupid power glue leaked from the side and bottom of the tube (apparently I could not find any hole) and damaged my mirror and table. It works better to stick my fingers to the models than the plastic parts to each other. It was crazy last night. I could not stop cursing the stupid plastic and the stupid glue. I slept at 2 so that this morning I would not need to damage my palms further. Partially, it was also because my sister said “Must use the glue till it is finished. The cap cannot screw tightly so next morning the glue will be solid already”. Dammit!!! So ironic, the first drop of the glue is always a SPURT!!! Silly product!! Well, lesson learnt: Don’t buy CHEAPO stuff. For your info, the price of the thing is less than quarter of the usual power glue I used.

4) I did not check my dad’s cupboard carefully.
Freak!!! I thought he did not bring back his laptop but he did!! I’ve been rotting without internet this weekend >.< Actually he brought it. I should have pushed the door one cm further. The good thing is that I managed to assemble all my robots. So now everything is completed….

So now I have no more comics to read and no more robots to make. It’s time to read Eldest and some other Christmas-themed novels.

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