Sunday, January 13, 2019


I do not normally watch single superhero movies and I am not that into DC movies. An ex-colleague had an expiring Shaw House movie ticket to be used by end January. With the hype around Aquaman about hitting $1b box-office and a show time that fitted well to my schedule, I decided to give Aquaman a chance.

When I first saw the trailer for Aquaman few months ago, I was turned off by the CGI quality which I found was very jarring and gave me the impression of watching a cartoon/CGI movie. I changed my mind after watching the movie as I no longer had that impression during the movie. The CGI looks well made and believable and I am honestly very impressed with the fine details such as the movement of the hair during the underwater scenes. The effects to depict Atlantis and the underwater world nicely contrast with the abovewater world (if there is such a word) and I find that CGI in Wonder Woman and Justice League to be more "memorable" aka jarring. Hahaha...

I am not going to nitpick on the plot because honestly how interesting can a superhero origin story be. Yes, Aquaman tries to avoid the typical origin story since it is already established that Aquaman played a role in saving the world from Steppenwolf (in Justice League movie). However, it is still an origin story since this movie essentially introduces how Aquaman becomes the King of Atlantis and his back story which includes how his parents meet, how he trains, and so on. I finally get my answer on why Aquaman has not been depicted with this iconic orange top and green outfit so far. It is because he only takes up this appearance after he becomes the King of Atlantis. There is no new subplots as all the available subplots have been used in every other superheroes or fantasy movies from battling for the throne, killing other kings to secure an alliance from their kingdoms, finding a missing ancient kingdom, getting an ancient treasure/artifact that imbues super power of the very first king, and so on. You can't make these any more creative and interesting. However, there is one sub-plot that really irks me: the Black Manta. His origin story for revenge towards Aquaman is okay but how he gets his power and technology from King Orm. King Orm hates the humans and abovewater world so much and I find it nonsensical for him to give a human Atlantean secrets and technology even if it is to kill Aquaman.

The actions scenes are not that memorable although I enjoy watching pretty girls kicking ass. I am referring to Queen Atlanna and Mera especially when they fight in the land when it feels more action than CGI. Sadly Queen Atlanna does not get any more fighting scenes after that. It would be nice to see some depiction on how she survives the Trench and reaches the Hidden Sea. I was wondering why Queen Atlanna looked so familiar but I could not remember where I saw her previously. After checking google, AAAH no wonder, it is Nicole Kidman!! So exciting. I  think she is really pretty. Amber Heard (who plays Mera) is pretty too but her hair is not red in real life so I think somehow the red hair somehow enhances her beauty for the movie. For Nicole Kidman though, she just looks as beautiful in real life as in the movie hehe..

Clearly DC has finally realised that being dark and edgy is not really a success formula so Aquaman is trying to inject some humour to lighten the atmosphere. It does not go all out like to Marvel level of hilarity (which is something not easy to do) and it is just one funny line here and there out of nowhere. Some criticise this as "trying too hard" but I think it is passable: not really corny to change the overall tone of the movie.

For me, what sets Aquaman apart is suprise surprise: loyalty, love and family values. I find it so touching that Tom Curry is still waiting at the dock everyday to wait for Atlanna's promise to return to see him some day even after all these years. The monarchy is also not just about killing one another: Aquaman and Orm still recognise their bond as half-brothers despite their conflict and both love their mother instead of fighting over who the better son is, Vulko's loyalty (he does not outright plot a nasty scheme despite his disagreement with Orm's plan), Orm simply imprisons Vulko instead of executing him for his 'betrayal', and at the end the reunion of Atlanna, Aquaman, and Orm is lovely. Fiuh.. a good thing that it does not turn out to be royal blood bath like the Game of Thrones or something.

Overall I find Aquaman enjoyable and I am not surprised that it has created such a ripple in the box office. Nevertheless, it is still something I will not watch more than once as nothing is really outstanding from the story, the fight, and the characters.

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