Sunday, November 11, 2012

No AFA this year :(

I gave Anime Festival Asia (AFA) a miss this year :( Although I had been waiting for it eagerly, the location was a let down. Expo is very far and out of the place.. On top of that, I am not feeling well today. I did not know why I suddenly fall sick. I felt alright on Friday night but I woke up with runny nose and sore throat yesterday morning. I had difficulty sleeping last night even though I never switched on my aircon. Usually that is a sign of incoming fever. And the last reason is I just spent money on Rinoa-Siren and Squall-Bahamut statues. Yeah!! That means my Final Fantasy VIII Transcendent Artists' Collection is completed!! Yeaaaah!!!

Anyway, I am on MC tomorrow. A bit angry about it because the clinic opposite where I stay was not open today. I decided to go another clinic down the road and I forked out $54!! Seriously a rip off! Usually I felt much better after getting the MC but this time I think I am really sick!! Even with the MC, I am still feeling unwell. Grrah.. anyway, I ban this lousy clinic and should just stick with the one opposite my place. I know I could have waited and go to the usual clinic tomorrow morning. But I hate to see doctor in the morning as I would be too nervous whether I would be granted MC or not. If I am really sick, I also need a long good night rest, so waking up sickly in the morning is not too appealing. And the last reason is that I do not want to wake up tomorrow and realise that I am already fine and hence I need to work -_- This MC system sucks!! Seriously I know when I am sick enough and when I am not sick enough for me to decide whether or not I should report for work!!

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